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A love letter to nursery
A Love Letter To Nursery
A few months ago, we left the UK to embark on the adventure of creating a new life in France.   Though the thought of this or at least the destination filled us with excitement. The in-between bit very...
Why UK has world's worst weather
Why the UK has the World's Worst Weather
So let me explain why the UK has the world’s worst weather. I am writing this from the north of England. So, maybe a tad worse than London where in my opinion the UK weather is the finest, but it’s...
Rhubarb, Myers-Briggs & People
Rhubarb, Myers-Briggs & People
Rhubarb, Myers-Briggs & People. Other than having read a few books relating loosely to the subject. I know nothing of gardening, and by loosely, I mean 1 about permaculture and 1 about composting human...
The Paper Round Millennial
The Paper Round (a Short Story)
I was aware of the concept of money from quite a young age. I suppose, because it was pretty clear to me, that we didn’t have enough, and that seemed to be a problem. We never went hungry by any means...