The Many Lives of a Millennial is a blog about, well, just that. It’s a collection of stories and articles about life, love, travel and food. 

A platform to communicate into the abyss the vision and ramblings of a former rat racer and corporate ladder climber. 

Though, it had always been a means to an end for him. He conformed until he could no longer. Never having felt he had found his place. Years of walking London restaurant floors had taken their toll, he had to escape. To obliterate the life he had created and hated. 

But going against the grain also has its challenges, this was evident from the time he slid down an external wooden balustrade and got a splinter in his penis.


Currently residing in the deep campagne of Southwest France where he composts his poo, and has an ever-growing menagerie of animals and vintage lawnmowers.

There is also a book floating around of the same name which will be available soon. All proceeds if any will of course go to ensuring one never returns to the dark side.

We hope you like the content. If you don’t, then don’t read it. Peace.